When you decide that you are ready to own a pet, there are many options that come to mind such as puppies and kittens. However, there are also bunnies that are sold and people are loving them! The only thing that needs to be certain when you make this purchase, is to know how to properly take care of them. They are more fragile than you think as indicated by the
Wildcat foundation.
Bunnies are extremely fragile. You can easily see this when you pick it up. You will feel as though these are shivering, meanwhile it due to them being actually scared. Make sure that you are gentle when trying to pick them up. Keep in mind that kicking themselves to get away is not joyful for them, they risk breaking their bones and back when they do this.
Always make sure that you have enough yard space for them. They don't need to be outside all the time, but they do need their daily dose of sunshine, air and grass. You also need to be aware of what food will work best such as vegetables and even hay. If you are not sure of what diet they need to be on, it is best to get in touch with vets that specialize in these types of animals. This way, you can also build the relationship and take your pets here for their monthly or yearly check-ups.
Getting more than one pet is always recommended. Life gets in the way and you cannot always be around for them. With rabbits specifically, if you are unable to be with them often, it is best that you go this route. They are needy creatures and require attention. When these lacks, they can go into a state of depression and possibly become ill.
Rabbits tend to be easy targets. The reason for this is the companion can be seen as wild animals when in fact, they are not. Many owners who get tired of their pets, leave them in the wild expecting them to live a new life. Meanwhile, bunnies not created for this lifestyle and will eventually die. If you are not ready for this type of commitment, it is bets to rather not get pets.
Grooming plays a big role. Make sure that you always keep your rabbit clean. This means that you should ensure that the areas they spend most of their time at is clean. As with cats, rabbits also bathe themselves so they don't need you to do this for them. Also, if you do decide to bathe them and leave them wet or damp, they can easily catch a cold or even pneumonia.
Rabbits especially babies, tend to chew quite often. Make sure that you have enough chew toys and snacks for them so the cuddle is not tempted to eat everything in your home. You may also want to start teaching them about litter boxes so that you won't have a problem with their mess around the house. You can place some of the mess in the box itself so they start to understand where they need to go.
A good idea would be to speak to someone who has healthy rabbits and ask them what you need or are missing. This way, you will be ready for your pet.
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