healthy good Several studies suggest that food and sleep, sport and the degree of tension and stress and the quality of human relationships and the living environment,enjoy good health are all on the quality of the immune response affects. So, here are some basic tips to keep healthy good in better health especially in the winter enjoy good health.
Good hydration healthy good
Allowed to drink a lot of water healthy good that does not dry the nasal mucosaenjoy good health. Thus if it is in poor condition, enter more easily viruses.enjoy good health You can also use a saline solution sold in pharmacies.
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Supply of protein healthy good
Protein allows healthy good the composition of antibodies that fight inflammation and infection. It should eat one gram of protein per kilogram of weight.
Increased hygiene enjoy good health
It must be some hygiene very seriously the application of measures.healthy good Wash your hands frequently with soap and water. When Tattsin, my face and your face inside the elbow enjoy good health.
Taking supplements
Complement dietary supplements of vitamins the body needs essential nutrients. Vvitaminac A, B6, C and E stimulates the immune defenses.
Fight infection and inflammation with garlic and whey
Garlic is known as a condiment for his ability to fight infection and inflammation. It is recommended to be eating 800 to 1600 mg of it daily. For his part, the whey is a liquid that is produced during the process of making cheese. There is a powder form in natural food stores. A fight inflammation and infection effectively.
Dealing with stress
Stress directly healthy good affects the formation and action of white blood cells. It also increases the level of stress hormones and weaken the body's immune system. Take time to calm yourself and breathe properly.
Balanced sleep healthy good
Sleep well balanced excellent for strengthening the immune system and protect it from viruses. Production of white blood cells and occurs mainly during sleep healthy good.
Laughter healthy good
Many studies have shown that laughter helps to increase the immune through the production of certain types of white blood cells in the body healthy good.
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Exercise regularly
According to the results of one study, the likelihood of injury increases when a cold person for the activity stops. It is believed that the number of active immune cells temporarily increase each time the person practicing the sport healthy good.
cleaning hands
To prevent the spread of infection, the handwashing is probably one of public health measures, the most revolutionary, equivalent importance importance of vaccination. Washing the hands is much more effective than antivirals to reduce the risk of injury healthy good.
Experts are advised to wash hands several times during the day, especially before eating and after that, and after using the toilet, and after coughing or sneezing, or touching things suffered by patients.healthy good In particular, do not use soap or lotion or gel cleanser or sterile, which may increase the resistance to bacteria. Use it instead of alcohol-based gel healthy good.
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Eating yogurt healthy good
It is still too early to say that probiotics can prevent colds and flu, but it definitely enhances the immune system and increases strength.healthy good And probiotics supplements is of microscopic organisms that are added to foods, such as yogurt, and can also be purchased in the form of capsules.
Eating fruits and vegetables healthy good
The results of studies suggest that vegetables and fruits are brightly colored stimulate the immune system better than most dietary supplements. And consumption of at least eight daily servings of them, contributing to the preservation of the health of the immune response and reduce the autoimmune response.
Medicinal plants and algae enjoy good health
Some researchers showed that ginseng contributes to the prevention of colds when they are taken at the onset of symptoms.
Of promising plants as well, spirulina, a blue-green algae, which are sold in natural food stores. German researchers have discovered that the compositions based spirulina, zinc and Indian cherry powder form (a small tropical fruit is rich in vitamin C) have properties resist infections and strong antioxidant.
Increased levels of vitamin D
Researchers found that people who have to have a lower vitamin D in the blood more likely and a half times to infection with pneumonia and respiratory. The researchers found that those who took vitamin supplements, say the symptoms of colds and flu have three times as compared to the group that she was taking healthy good the placebo enjoy good health.
Taking vitamin B12
You may have heard that the injection of vitamin B12 stimulate immunity.enjoy good health But in fact most of those who follow a healthy diet to accommodate,healthy good a sufficient amount of this vitamin.healthy good For the majority, the use of injections unnecessary.
Get a vaccination enjoy good health
Although vaccination against seasonal influenza is not effective by only 80%, but it is still one of the best defenses we have.enjoy good health Some fear that the existence of different strains of influenza viruses in one vaccine, will display the immune compromised dev
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